Freida and Stephen Burt
We recently chose to sponsor a student named Sarah through Abukloi. We look forward to being a part of Sarah's life and sharing her progress in her education.
We are dedicated to making a meaningful impact
the lives of vulnerable
communities. Our
mission is to provide support through education, healthcare, and essential services, helping
individuals overcome hardship and build brighter futures.
Driven by compassion and a commitment to creating sustainable solutions for the most
vulnerable communities, we seek to empower the people of Rumbek to become leaders in South
Sudan through education and economic development.
Our programs are designed to uplift and support those with economic and cultural challenges. Together we can do it, Join with our partners to provide needed support
Most of our students make a great sacrifice to get an education. They do it, because they know education is the pathway to a better future for themselves, their families and their entire community. Have a quick peek of our students sharing their experiences about Abukloi Secondary School
Freida and Stephen Burt
We recently chose to sponsor a student named Sarah through Abukloi. We look forward to being a part of Sarah's life and sharing her progress in her education.
Ellen Wicker Cummings
Education is the key to stability in South Sudan
Dave Rochford
I commend the student sponsorship program to you. My family and I are looking forward to getting to know someone new, and maybe that person and we might have a life-changing experience.
Dwight Golann
The Abukloi sponsorships are a unique chance to make a transformative change in the life of a specific young person whom I know
Bill Herman
My name is Bill Herman. I'm an engineer. Engineers like to build things. In my career, I've had the good fortune to build many interesting things. But never before have I had the opportunity to build an entire nation. That is the opportunity that Angelo Maker offered to me. It was an offer I could not refuse.
Number of Graduates
Meals served a month
Nurse contacts per month
Acres of land cultivated
Employed Over 10 years
Established year