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Abukloi Enterpises

Abukloi continuously seeks opportunities to develop programs and businesses that grow the local economy. These programs inspire others to create adjacent businesses, increasing employment opportunities for a community of more than a half million people.


Abukloi Enterprises Logo
Yes! Club
Future Plans

Community Loans


Abukloi Enterprises aims to provide training, mentoring, and funding for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start or expand their own ventures. Access to capital will create a network of small businesses that employ the local population and generate income.


Business Development Training


Business development training shows students that they can create their own economy:  generating demand for goods and services that others will be inspired to provide. The knowledge empowers the local population to demand the resources they need from the regional or national government, deepening political participation and expanding political consciousness.


Our strategic plan includes the addition of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), Accelerated Learning Programs (ALP), and Continuing Education to train students of all ages how to better participate in the economy. 


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