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New Preschool

The Bishop of the Anglican Church, Peter, is one of our graduates.  He has started a pre-school, which Justin and I visited this morning.  52 children dressed in their Sunday best, greeted us with singing and clapping, placing lei-like flower circles over our heads.  We were welcomed warmly by Bishop Peter and a visiting Bishop from Amongpiny county, 45 miles north of here.  

Imagine my surprise when the children stood and began to sing the days of the week - the same way the Stratford students sing it.  I video taped their performance and sent to Linda Huff in the hopes she can play it for her children.

You will notice in two photos attached below the children holding toothbrushes and toothpaste, donated by a Virginia Beach dentist with a connection to Stratford Pre-School.  The kids were ecstatic and Bishop Peter so appreciative.  Now someone will have t teach them how to use a toothbrush...

Next order of business was the Rotary Club of Rumbek, newly formed in February of this year.  Meetings are held twice a month from 11-Noon, in the Civic Engagement Center built with USAid funds.  There are 25 members  - 3 of them females - 16 were present today. One of the officers gave a brief account of how this club came to be and what the members hoped to accomplish.  Then they wanted to hear from me, so I did my best in unrehearsed fashion, to talk about Rotary in general and my club specifically.  After answering questions we were served tea and biscuits - cookies.  I really enjoyed the time with these new Rotarians!

After lunch Justin and I met the two Education Deans  from Rumbek University at the campus closest to Abukloi.  This is the first campus used by the University, and more amenities were provided here than at the other two campuses combined - solar power, satellite dish for Internet, bright, airy rooms with lots of windows and glass panels on the exterior doors.  It has great possibilities, and we are positive about the location so close to the school.

It's been overcast, cool, and breezy all day - reminds me of Fall in the U.S.  Rain around Noon.  I had the pool all to myself in the late afternoon.  Laundry is soaking in a basin in the shower.  Plenty to do before I settle down for the night.



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